I'm so used to take note of my plans and dates on an electronic support that in those occasion where I need to have a fast calendar in my hand I'm sometimes puzzled. To support those occasions I've found really useful keeping a little business card size calendar in my purse.
An eye-catching small calendar is cute, beautiful. It is easy to create and print just with your desktop printer or, if you prefer, make have it printed as advertising tool.
Let's go then to see what it needs to be considered projecting a portable calendar and how to create it.
Firstly choose the font that you are going to use with great accuracy. A small size support requires a small size font and choosing a too decorative ones can dramatically drop down the quality, the readability and then the usability of your calendar. Remember: it must be clear!
Not use column or row lines. They make the graphic looks too heavy. Choose a right spacing between the numbers and even between the month groups.
Use bright colors instead of dark ones. The size is small, avoid to ask too much from you own or your customers eyes.
Save the date
Highlight some important dates such as festivities or weekends. If the calendar is for your personal use you may consider lightening also your personal important dates, birthdays or anniversary. If else you are going to use the calendar as promotion you can, for example, highlight the opening day of a new activity. Start creating a story on the front side, use a visual and the date that is important, say why it is important and then, as a plus, draw the annual calendar on the backside highlighting the important date. This could be a nice trick to keep the opening day in the mind of your future customers. The annual calendar ensure a longer use in the time and is useful particularly to create suspense around a not coming soon date.
A small calendar is a gift! Remember, customer love gifts even small ones such as postcards, bookmarks, calendars, stickers and so on. All of them are easy to project and easy to print marketing tools to promote your activity.