Mount Evans was our destination on one warm and sunny weekend. West of Denver, Colorado, Mount Evans reaches an altitude of 14,264 feet. It is so amazing that there is a road to the top of this fourteener, the highest paved road in all of North America. Originally there were plans to connect three fourteeners by highway, but this grandiose vision proved unfeasible.
For every 1,000 feet gained in elevation temperatures drop 3.5-5 degrees F and we were totally unprepared for the 26 degree blasting winds. I felt sorry for the motorcycle riders we met on top huddled against the stone wall out of the brutal wind, but they were bravely getting ready for their descent by warming their hands in their pockets.
This is the Crest House restaurant that was built in 1941. It burned down in 1979 but the stone remains are a delight to photograph.
With the numbing cold it was hard to keep the camera steady, but I was determined to get my shots. With regrets, and self recrimination at being so unprepared, I ran back to the car heater.
On the way back down we stopped to appreciate the beauty of the flat alpine tundra with hundreds of little pools reflecting the sky. My daughter was also smitten with the beauty and was doing her own shooting.
Have you been to Mount Evans or the top of any other mountains?
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