Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Abert's Squirrels on Stellers Ridge, Colorado

We have a squirrel. Actually we have several but we usually only see one at at time. Since we live in a ponderosa pine forest you might think, well of course you have squirrels. But these are not just any squirrels. They are solid black with tall ear tufts and look just like little demons scampering about the trees and taunting the dogs.

They are the Abert's Squirrel and are native to the Rocky Mountains from United States to Mexico. The Abert's squirrel typically builds its nest in the branches of the ponderosa pine and are strictly diurnal. The Abert's squirrel does not store its food like other North American squirrels.

I looked them up online and could not find the black variety we have living with us but I doubt they are rare. In fact, they seem quite plentiful and happy to be here with us on Stellers Ridge. I love watching their antics. They are faster than lightning and just as hard to capture with a camera, but I finally succeeded. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

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