Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mother to Be Black Squirrel

A black Abert squirrel sits on a fence post in the foothills of northern ColoradoThe snows are melting and the first little bits of green are starting to sprout. The Abert's (commonly mistaken as Albert's) squirrels of Stellers Ridge are active. I see them running down the fence, jumping from tree top to tree top, and leaping impossible distances. My eye catches a blurred streak of black against the forest background and I race for my camera. I have a lot of shots with these blurry streaks, but today I caught a very round and plump squirrel resting for a brief moment on the fence post. Then before I could get off just one more shot she streaked off. Do you think she's pregnant?

A black Abert squirrel sits on a fence post in the foothills of northern Colorado
Black Squirrel on Post
A black Abert squirrel sits on a fence post in the foothills of northern Colorado.
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