Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Abstractions in Nature

Abstractions in nature always catch my eye. I'm always the first in my family to see wildlife and I think it is because I see patterns in nature. If there is an interruption in pattern it draws my eye everytime.

On a cold winter morning I happened upon the graceful feather prints left in the snow by a wild turkey flapping its wings. It took me a couple minutes to figure out what I was looking at but a nearby prehistoric looking footprint tipped me off.

Rose hips are a favorite subject of mine and the green background set them off perfectly.

A summer walk along the Colorado River in Rocky Mountain National Park found a beaver pond just as the sky opened with a gentle rain.

Woody stems from last summer poke up through the crusty snow to form shadows of an ancient alphabet.

A Colorado blue sky framed by tumbleweeds catches the flight of a single raven.