Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guest Article on Instantshift: Turn Your Computer off and Manage Your Sleeping Time

I wrote a guest article on InstantShift about difficulties in sleeping enough for creatives. Some years ago, a famous adventure game titled Monkey Island (The Secret of Monkey Island, LucasArt 1990, someone else could remember Guybrush Treepwood the mighty pirate?) after the credits of the game clearly said “Now turn off your computer and go to sleep!”.
In that case the authors joke about addicted players, but it is not uncommon to have issues sleeping among designers.
Unfortunately, upcoming deadlines, continuous reviewing of the work required by clients, time lack, etc. sometimes affect designers and creatives all over the world.
Inspiration and creativity never sleep someone could say but there are several side effects for too many nights spent working at the PC.

Go to Instantshift to read the whole article >>