Autumn in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado makes me think of elk. The young bachelors, who lazily hang out all summer getting strong on the lush new grass, become restless and seek to dethrone an old bull by capturing his females. It is an exciting time in the life of an elk and just as exciting for me to watch. This summer I came upon one of those bachelor herds of young bulls and they were magnificent. Each one looked very capable of stealing a harem for his own. I wonder if any of the challengers have been successful and are now the one to be challenged?
Proud Elk
Bull elk in meadow of alpine tundra at Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
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Bull elk in meadow of alpine tundra at Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
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Elk Pond
A mature bull elk with velvet covered antlers stands by a mountain pond in Rocky Mountain Park, Colorado.
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Mountain Elk
A bull elk walks through the lush green summer tundra in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
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Etsy JulieMagersSoulen |