Monday, January 31, 2011

Free Wallpaper Desktop Calendar: February 2011

Odd and aliens masks are growing up their light in the dark.
choose your size:
1600 x 12001440 x 9001280 x 1024, 1280 x 960, 1280 x 720, 1024 x 768, 800 x 600

Also featured on SMASHINGMAGAZINE!!
Go and check the other wallpaper calendar of the month.

Beautiful Bhutan Temples - One of the Awesome Place in the World...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Guest Article on InstantShift: How to Enhance a Dull Sky

Friday a new guest article which I've written for Instantshift has been published. Shooting Sky: Creating an Archive and Blending to Enhance Washed Photos
Every photographer looks for the best frame for his shots but, unfortunately, weather condition, time of the day and other elements greatly affect the final result. How the sky looks like is one of this.
How we can save our time spent to take the perfect frame?

Many professional photographers have solved this problem simply replacing the dull sky with a better one.
A collection of sky photographs can help to save the day allowing a great final result.
With that article I inspect how to archive good sky photos suitable to replace them in some situations.
In addition, in the second half of the article I propose a tutorial about how effectively replace the sky in a dull photo.

A.R.Rahman Music Composing - Rare Photos...

A.R.Rahman Playing with his Favourite Instruments - Rare Photo Collection...

Saturday, January 29, 2011